Amber Ivy

Amber Ivy


Amber Ivy was born on November 6, 1993 in Cleaveland, Ohio.

Amber Ivy has a bit of a strange tale when it comes to her career in general. You could argue both sides that she has been very few movies or been releasing clips no stop since the start of her career. The number of movies Ivy has been in is limited to just three; How the Grinch Gaped Christmas, That Pee Girl, and Let's Play. Next, there is the series that Amber has been in that are all from 2016; Dixieland Fetish (6 episodes) and Dixie's Damsels (5 episodes). Now for the weird part of her story, Amber Ivy first movie was How the Grinch Gaped Christmas, produced in 2014 and then... nothing. There were no movies released for two years so what happened? She started to make clips and/or videos depending on how you see it, for those two years of which there are over a hundred that you can pay for on Amber Ivy website.


Dirty Fuck Tales